I was sitting in the lounge this morning, just thinking, and a couple of famous quotes popped into my head.
The winds of change are blowing through this continent (Harold MacMillan)
Now is the winter of our discontent (from Richard III - William Shakespeare))
I am not nearly as significant as either of the above-mentioned, but we are certainly living in interesting times.
Covid-19 and it's unprecedented spread across the globe, our country along with many others in lock-down, stock market crashes, cancellation of sporting and cultural events and self isolation to name just a few.
On a personal level, I have been without transport for some time. I have also undergone a biopsy recently; all of which has made it rather challenging to keep a positive outlook.
I have also been dumbfounded by the panic buying, here at home and across the world.
Look after thy neighbour has completely gone out of the window in favour of utter selfishness and disregard for others.
Not our best time as humans!
On another level, I am grateful for my daughter back home safe and sound, and the time spent in conversation with friends and family. Perhaps slowing down and reconnecting is what we all need.
As I await my test results, I can only wish peace for the world and hope that we, collectively, work together to end the spread of this disease.
Keep safe, and use this time of isolation to reconnect with your loved ones.
