I have tried to avoid writing about the Corona virus pandemic and lock-down, because there is so much in the news. The last thing I want to do is add another voice to the noise out there, however I do want to share a little of how I am feeling as we close down day 9 of the lock-down.
We do not venture out much, I have become even more risk averse as I have got older, and I have certainly vented enough about those people who have broken the lock-down rules.
Yes, I am locked down too, my movements are restricted, which harks back to another darker time in South Africa, but honestly there is a massive difference between me and most people who have protested against the lock-down.
I am sequestered safely in my home with my family, unlike so many South Africans who are living under the poverty line, in shack dwellings and for those even less fortunate, in the streets. I have found it so easy to be critical, without a single thought about those who in are no position to practice social distancing or simply stay at home to keep safe.
This was a sobering and harsh wake up call, and I pray that South Africa is able to endure and get through this crisis with the resilience and strength that so defines our country.
I miss my parents, and when I hear from my Dad, an almost octogenarian, that he had to go out and buy food, it breaks my heart. I, like so many parents or children, living here and across the world, worry about my family. I am worried that my parents and brother and sister become exposed to the virus, that my own children become exposed or are left to carry on in a world which will be vastly different to pre Covid-19.
I have laid awake at night, with my thoughts whirling around, and still awake, have watched the sun rise and the first thing on my mind has been, what if ......? That has been a hard question to think about, and all I can do is follow the guidelines, wash and sanitise everything and pray that my family will be OK.
I can only hope that you stay safe, and that we all get through this pandemic and emerge stronger and more gentle, because the world will need more of that in the future.
Lovely blog dad. All of us will have a new perspective on life