Good morning,
I have been feeling quite down the last few days; feelings of utter loneliness, uselessness and wondering why I am here. Honestly, it has been extremely challenging to shake these feelings off.
In fact, on Friday, I completely melted down, in true Chernobyl style, and that was incredibly hard; combined with an argument and feelings of contempt for myself, it really was the perfect storm of bad emotions.
I can only thank my children for giving me a safe space to explore my feelings, without judgement and filled with love.
I think that we are truly blessed when we are allowed to be emotional, and allowed to explore those feelings which can be like riding a wild roller coaster or corkscrewing along on a boat in a storm. We are, by nature emotional beings, and stifling this emotional process leads to cataclysmic events, referring to above-mentioned Chernobyl style meltdown.
Everything we do is because of emotion, no matter how much we pride ourselves on a logical approach to things, and, in my opinion, we are much more free when we allow our emotions to flow.
The GOOD news is that I have managed to shrug off this negative cloak and yesterday was an amazing day, full of laughter, inappropriate jokes and connection.
I hope that everyone has a positive day today, in which we are able to connect with ourselves, our family (friends included) with joy and compassion.
I wish you all a wonderful, peaceful and Blessed Christmas.
Very powerful dad. I am proud of you and what you have done. I love you