Today, I made my bed.
Yes, I know that is a fairly mundane task and hardly worth trumpeting about, but it is actually quite a big thing.
Today is the first day in about two weeks that I got up and immediately made my bed, and put things away. I think it is an indication of the doldrums I have been feeling recently.
I have felt rather overwhelmed by a future which I can neither see nor control, and this has resulted in being almost petrified. Too scared to move forward, so scared of staying still. I have been stuck in a mode of "I just dont care"
I cannot live like this, it's not really living, is it?
So, today I am trying to be positive, to get up and DO, rather than continuing to be a victim of my mood.
Small steps admittedly, but steps nonetheless.
How do you guys get past these becalmed moments?

I try to look at the good things in my life. My children, my dog, my good friends and last, but by no means least, my recently found soulmate. There is always a positive to be found in each day, the first one being that I have actually woken up and have the day ahead. To many, that is an option denied to them. Keep looking forward, keep improving. Today it is the bed, who knows what the rest of your day will bring, my friend.